Website Packages

Webapplify understands every website is different. We do not put any reTransitionalions on the number of webpages, graphics and words per page a website can contain. Every business is different and has their own qualities. Our customized websites allow the client to show off their unique character and style. All websites are custom-built and every detail can be added or modified to accommodate the client's needs and creativity.
For a Free Website or Web Application Quote, or any questions please call (970) 672-4662 in Fort Collins / Northern Colorado or Contact Us.

- Silver Website Package
- $1500 = 30 hours of Design Time
Normally five to ten hours is put into the design phase of the website, such as determining colors, banners, and menu navigation. The remaining hours are used placing the content into the web pages of the website. The number of pages will be determined by how intricate the layout of each individual web page. In most cases this website package will range from 10-20 web pages. PHP Contact Form and javascript for rolling pictures on website is included as well as 6 months of free web hosting will be included with this package for all our new customers!

- Gold Website Package
- $2500 = 50 hours of Design Time
This is our standard website package. The initial style phase should take between ten and fifteen hours. The remaining hours are used filling in the content of the web pages. The client can determine how many web pages in the website based upon the content and layout of those web pages. In most cases this website package will range from 50 to 150 web pages, but there are no restrictions. PHP Contact Form and Javascript for changing pictures on website is included, as well as free web hosting for the first year will be included with this package for all our new customers!

- Platinum Website Package
- $3500 = 70 + hours of Design Time
This website package is for more sophisticated websites containing PHP, MYSQL, shopping carts or e-commerce elements and other types of code. This is only estimate, once needs are determined specifically we will provide a guaranteed price for all your website needs. Free website hosting for two years will be included in this package.
Website Design / Web Application Design
Webapplify provides the client with up to three different style concepts to choose from. We will work closely with the client to determine the best style to fit their needs. Based on the client's preference we will work with one of three concepts, or blend components from any or all three designs to create the final style.
Once the style and menu navigation is determined, the remaining hours will be to put the content into the website. The number of pages will be determined by how intricate and the layout of each individual web page. A normal web page with a few graphics and paragraphs of text will take less time to create then web pages containing lists, multiple graphics, and other more intricate content. It is up to the client to determine how many web pages they will need for all their information.
Payment Arrangements
Webapplify's standard website payment plan is $500/on the deposit, followed by a monthly payment of $500 until paid in full or $1000/on deposit, followed by monthly payments of $250 until paid in full. This allows the client time to view the initial designs and provide content for the web pages. We are very flexible and will take into account any suggestion that maybe offered by the client as a payment arrangement as well.
Webapplify is based out of Fort Collins, Colorado. We enjoy working with local businesses and individuals in the surrounding Northern Colorado areas including Loveland, Windsor, Greeley, and Fort Collins.