
Website Design & Application Development

Rich Internet Applications

Rich Internet Applications (RIA) function like traditional desktop applications by changing the browser from a thin to a fat client through the use of Javascript. RIA applications are getting a bigger and bigger push, as more people realize their traditional desktop applications can be ported to the Web. This way of thinking has many merits:

  • Ajax web applications require no istallation, updating, or distribution, as everything is served up by a web server.
  • Ajax web applications are less prone to virus attacks (generally).
  • Ajax web applications can be accessed anywhere, and if they are properly built, you can run them on any operating system.

These merits are saving companies millions of dollars. But even if you aren't corporate mogul looking to save tons of cash, Ajax web applications are just plain cool to develop!

A Rich Internet Application can be the best way to serve your customers and your employees at the same time. Have you ever been frustrated when visiting a web site because you had to wait for the screen to re-draw after you clicked a button? Had to re-enter information when you used the "back" button to fix an entry on the previous page?

User frustration means lost business. Using the unique capabilities of AJAX, RIA's create a fast and efficient user experience. They respond rapidly to user actions like clicking a button, moving the mouse, or submitting data, even when writing to a database. The result is a positive user experience they want to come back to. That means more business for you.

Rich Internet Applications are quickly becoming the standard for the world's best web sites.

Webapplify, LLC - Fort Collins / Loveland: (970)672-4662 - Website Design & Website Application in Colorado

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Webapplify, LLC